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Windows 12 ISO download




We are going to explain how to update Windows 12 to its latest version, specifically in Windows 11. Although the operating system automatically receives updates, you are also going to force it to search to install them manually, and this is what we are going to teach you how to do download Window 12.The process of updating windows 12 iso operating system is very simple and very fast, it will not cost you anything to do it. But since no one is born learned, we are going to tell you step by step so that no one gets lost.In addition, it is known how much a license will cost for the Microsoft windows 12 release date.

Obviously, the new platform windows 12 will be better than any available now, and this will be expressed literally in everything. So, it will provide increased speed, an enhanced security system, and at the same time a significant increase in battery life on laptops and tablets due to code optimization, the latest energy-saving algorithms, and a reduction in the number of background processes. However, this is far from everything that this platform for electronic devices can pleasantly please. Users in Windows 12 can rely on a completely new incredibly beautiful appearance of the entire interface, which will definitely please all users. This will be supplemented with new menu items and simplify the entire navigation to make the process of using this OS more simple and understandable.

Experience of Installing of Windows 12 in Laptops/PCs

In this article, I’ll walk you through the process of installing Windows 12 on my laptop, step-by-step. I’m excited to experience all the new features and innovations that Windows 12 has to offer, so let’s dive right in!

First things first, I need to prepare my laptop for the Windows 12 installation. Before I can explore the exciting world of Windows 12, I must ensure that my laptop meets the necessary requirements. I’ll start by checking if my laptop has a compatible processor, at least 4GB of RAM, and a minimum of 64GB of storage.

Next, I need to make sure my laptop is up to date with the latest Windows updates. This will guarantee a smooth transition to Windows 12. Additionally, I’ll back up my important files to an external storage device to avoid any data loss during the installation process.

Finally, I’ll disconnect any unnecessary peripherals and make sure my laptop is fully charged or connected to a power source to avoid any interruptions during the installation.

Now that my laptop is all set, I can follow a step-by-step guide to successfully install Windows 12. Here’s a simple guide to help me through the process:

  1. Check system requirements: I’ll start by ensuring that my laptop meets the minimum system requirements for Windows 12, including processor, RAM, and storage specifications.
  2. Download Windows 12: I’ll visit the official Microsoft website and download the Windows 12 installation file.
  3. Create a bootable USB drive: To do this, I’ll use a tool like Rufus to create a bootable USB drive with the Windows 12 installation file.
  4. Install Windows 12: With the bootable USB drive ready, I’ll insert it into my laptop and follow the on-screen instructions to install Windows 12.

In conclusion, installing Windows 12 on my laptop requires proper preparation and following a step-by-step guide. By ensuring my laptop meets the system requirements and backing up my data, I can smoothly install the new operating system. Following these directions, I can look forward to enjoying the enhanced features and improved performance of Windows 12 on my laptop. It’s time to take my laptop to the next level!

Download Windows 12 Iso 64 bit 2024

You can download the latest version of Windows 12 from  Microsoft

What Experts Say More About Next Operating System Windows 12 2024

According to MICROSOFT “Right now we’re releasing Windows 10, and because Windows 10 is the last version of Windows, we’re all still working on Windows 10,” – Jerry Nixon “

Microsoft is working on bugs faced by Windows 10 users by offering multiple updates, so there is no chance for Windows 12. Moreover, according to Jerry Nixon, this is the final version of Windows. Many people still face problems such as compatibility problems with games and software and many minor issues.

Microsoft has officially released the Windows 10 May 2019 update to the public. Also

Known as version 1903, the update has been available for Windows Insiders in slow and release preview rings for a few weeks. The Windows manufacturer said in April that the May 2019 update would remain in the preview ring to detect any issues before extensive deployment.

The company is striving for the disaster that was the last Windows 10 October 2018 update. However, with the Windows 10 May 2019 update, Microsoft has not only delayed public releases but is also introducing controls to help users avoid surprise upgrades to the latest version. All users will now have the ability to explicitly choose whether they want to update their device and hold the update for up to 35 days.

While you can install version 1903 directly through the settings (if it has been made available for your device), you can also select Clean Install using the Windows 10 May 2019 update ISO files. Before downloading, don’t forget to check the system manufacturer requirements as Windows Maker updated the requirements list for the first time since bringing Windows 10 back in 2015.

Windows 12 Lite is awesome!

Windows 12 Lite is released on 11 Feb 2024! At first glance, you might think that a new version of the Windows series is released. Is it frightening, people who don’t understand the situation think it is true? In fact, this name is completely different from what you think. This is not a Windows series system, you have to think more. This is based on Linux Lite 4.8 of the Linux operating system, Windows 10 uses a flat wallpaper and icon pack.

Windows 12 Lite’s website description states that it perfectly solves all the problems in poor Windows 10, is a superb operating system, the desktop is better than Windows 10 in all aspects, can perfectly replace Windows 10, and of course, it can also start up.

In the Windows 12 Lite slogan, a series of satires on Windows 10 were also made. I don’t know what Microsoft thinks, and it may not be too rare to ignore these satires:

  • - No unwanted update patches, no upgrade failures, and no pressure on you to buy more versions
  • -No virus or extortion software, natural immunity
  • -Dual-boot operation with Windows 7/10, free copying and editing of files
  • -Starts up to three times faster than Windows 10 and takes about 10 seconds
  • -Comes with a lot of the best software, more than 80,000 models are available in the software manager
  • -Perfect support for Steam / NVIDIA graphics cards, and still play games
  • -No authorization, no activation required, casual installation, data will not be stolen by Microsoft
  • -No Microsoft advertising …Know More About on Windows 12 Lite download

As far as the name of Windows 12 Lite is concerned, I personally think that it is a bit of suspected speculation, and Microsoft was really taken aback, For more information go to Windows 12 Lite

Windows 12 Some Features and Concepts

Microsoft will soon announce the official date of its new operating system windows 12 which will be launched at the end of 2020 although various features of the operating system have been leaked. According to the leaked features, it can be said that it will be the most advance and protected operating system ever seen by computer geeks.


1. start screen option was used by all the previous operating systems to launch applications, whereas this time Microsoft has gone old school or we can say a more traditional start menu again has been introduced according to the reports. Which is more user friendly as compared to the start screen option.


2.  We are living in a lazy world nobody wants to move their finger and for the convenience of the users, Microsoft has now introduced Cortana 2.0 virtual assistant to assist you which is an advanced version of Cortana. It was first introduced in Windows Phone  8.1.  A person can operate without lifting a finger with the help of Cortana. The performance of Cortana is better than Siri and Google.


3.  windows 12 is a perfect mixture that will fit both on touchscreen devices and others also, The continuum feature of Windows 13 will give the option to users to work on both desktop modes and will also be able to operate on mobile phones and tablets. While in tablet mode the start menu will work like the desktop mode and fit full screen. The button to switch on or off the feature of tablet mode will be given in the action center.


4. Xbox version x app will be an inbuilt feature of Windows 12 the Xbox app will display all the activities of your Xbox Live friends and will display your activity feed also. The left side will display an opportunity to chat with your Xbox Live friends and also an opportunity to share and view clips of their games while the right side of the app will display the friend lists.


5. to protect your computer Microsoft has given the best possible securities in Windows 12 which will include a windows defender by default, which has just changed the decimation of security and taken it to the next level. Window Defender will be having antivirus protection for the safeguarding of your system.


6. notifications are very important for every business and also for personal use this part of the operating system is used both professionally and personally. All your reminders are archived here and help you remind it is called a basecamp of useful information.

Windows 12 Release date 2024

It is known that the presentation of Windows 12 will take place in November-December this year, that is, in a few months, when Microsoft should publicly present it to the public. Following this, a few days later, testing will begin as part of the Windows Insider Early Access Program, which everyone can join without any restrictions. This will be carried out for at least 3-5 months from the moment of announcement, therefore, the new platform is likely to enter the market in final stable form in 21 February 2024. It goes without saying that more precise dates will be announced during its announcement, and this will happen soon.


Windows 11 and Windows 12: What are the similarities and differences?

Windows 12 is an attempt by Microsoft to synchronize among themselves all kinds of devices running the same OS. This includes computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, and Xbox game consoles. Windows 11, in turn, is designed exclusively for PCs and laptops. With this in mind, the “top ten” has a lot of what is not in the “seven”, but there is also enough in common.

  • The main difference is, of course, the design. Windows 12 is optimized for the monitor, for the touchscreen. Windows 10 is designed only for the presence of a computer mouse and has a Start menu. In Windows 12, the Start menu is returned, but it is combined with a set of tiles, which makes the new OS convenient for users of any device.
  • Another difference between Windows 12 and Windows 10 is the search function. Search in Windows 10 allows you to search for files and applications on the local computer. In Windows 12, the range of search is expanding: the user can directly search from the desktop to search the Internet, as well as in the Windows Store app store. In addition, the new system has a voice search, performed using the Cortana assistant.
  • Another difference is file management. Both Windows 10 and Windows 12 use Explorer, but in the new system it is much more convenient and informative. Explorer in Windows 12 has a “ribbon” of functions, like modern Microsoft Office, and the copy-and-paste windows display the speed of the operation in the form of graphs. All this Windows 12 also took from Windows 8.1.
  • A big difference between the two systems is the notification. In Windows 10, each application throws its pop-ups onto the screen, plus there is a notification area in the lower right corner of the screen. In the “top ten”, in turn, all system and application notifications are collected in one tape and, in addition, are ordered by time.
  • A major innovation compared to Windows 10 is made in terms of managing the workspace. Windows 12 finally has virtual desktops that Android users are used to and Mac OS users and Linux fans have long been accustomed to. In Windows 10 they are not yet, although there is already support for multiple monitors.
  • Windows 10 is crazy popular with computer game enthusiasts. Windows 12 intends to seize the palm. The system includes DirectX 12, which provides a significant increase in game performance, as well as comprehensive integration with Xbox through an integrated application with a connection to Xbox Live.

Windows 12 requirements

To work on a computer, Windows 12 requires:

  • 32 or 64-bit computer architecture
  • Minimum 1 GHz processor
  • RAM of 1 GB or 2 GB minimum
  • Graphic card
  • DirectX9 graphics device with support for WDDN 1.0 drivers
  • DVD-R / RW optical drive
  • 16 – 20 Gigabytes available from hard disk
  • Touch monitor (optional)

Windows 12 advantages

Windows 12 presented the following list of advantages over previous versions of the program:

  • Greater synchronization between the user and the computer, taking advantage of tools such as the touch screen and voice recognition.
  • It occupies less space and requires less kernel.
  • Supports 32 and 64-bit architectures.
  • It saves energy by using the machine components to a lesser extent.

Disadvantages of Windows 12

Similarly, this version presented some drawbacks compared to other versions of Windows:

  • It does not have support or compatibility with drivers and technologies considered “obsolete”, marking a before and after.
  • New and fresh installation of the operating system is mandatory for users of previous versions.
  • It is a more expensive version than the previous ones.
  • Popular Windows tools such as Movie Maker, Live Essentials, and others were removed.
  • Less control is available from the user regarding Windows updates and remote management by the company.

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