You are currently viewing Astra Pro Theme Crack Free Download With Astra Addon Pro Plugin Free Download Click Now!

Astra Pro Theme Crack Free Download With Astra Addon Pro Plugin Free Download Click Now!

Astra Pro Theme Crack Free Download With Astra Addon Pro Plugin Click Now!

How to Download Astra Pro Addon from Our Site

Introduction: Begin by introducing the Astra Pro Addon and its benefits. Mention that users can download it from your site and provide a brief overview of what the blog post will cover.

Step 1: Accessing the Download Link Explain how users can navigate to your site and locate the download link for the Astra Pro Addon. Provide clear instructions and screenshots if possible.

Step 2: Clicking on the Download Link Guide users on what to expect when they click on the download link. Assure them that the download process is safe and secure.

Step 3: Saving the File Explain how users can save the downloaded file to their computer. Provide instructions for different browsers if necessary.

Step 4: Installing the Astra Pro Addon Briefly mention that users will need to install the Astra Pro Addon on their WordPress site after downloading it. Provide a link to a separate guide or tutorial if available.

Step 5: Activating the License If applicable, explain how users can activate their license for the Astra Pro Addon. Provide guidance on where to find their license key and how to enter it into the plugin settings.

Astra Addon 4.6.1 Download 

How to install Astra-addon-4.6.1-27znjm Plugin


  • Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  • Navigate to “Plugins” > “Add New.”
  • Add new Plugin and select
  • Click “Install Now” next to the plugin you wish to install.
  • Go to Astra options and enable Them
  • Done!

Full Detailed Guidance Astra pro Addon Installation

  1. Install WordPress:
    • First, you need to have WordPress installed on your web hosting server. Most hosting providers offer easy one-click installations for WordPress.
    • Once WordPress is installed, log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Install Astra Theme:
    • In your WordPress dashboard, go to “Appearance” -> “Themes.”
    • Click on “Add New” and search for “Astra.”
    • Install the Astra theme and activate it.
  3. Install Elementor Plugin:
    • In your WordPress dashboard, go to “Plugins” -> “Add New.”
    • Search for “Elementor.”
    • Install and activate the Elementor page builder plugin.
  4. Customize Astra Theme:
    • Go to “Appearance” -> “Customize” to access the Astra theme customizer.
    • Customize your website’s header, footer, typography, colors, and other settings according to your preferences.
  5. Create Pages:
    • Go to “Pages” -> “Add New” to create new pages for your website.
    • You can create pages such as Home, About, Services, Contact, etc.
  6. Build Pages with Elementor:
    • Go to the page you want to edit and click on the “Edit with Elementor” button.
    • Use Elementor’s drag-and-drop interface to design your page. Add sections, columns, widgets, and elements as needed.
    • Customize the layout, style, and content of each section using Elementor’s options.
  7. Import Astra Starter Site (Optional):
    • Astra offers pre-built starter sites that you can import and customize. If you want to use one of these starter sites, you can do so by going to “Appearance” -> “Astra Starter Sites.”
    • Choose a starter site that fits your needs, import it, and customize it further with Elementor.
  8. Optimize for SEO:
    • Install an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO or Rank Math to optimize your website’s SEO settings, including meta titles, descriptions, and other on-page SEO elements.
  9. Test and Launch:
    • Once you’ve finished building and customizing your website, preview it to ensure everything looks and functions as expected.
    • Test your website on different devices and browsers to ensure responsiveness and compatibility.
    • Finally, when you’re satisfied with your website, you can launch it for the world to see.
  1. Purchase Astra Pro Addon:
    • Go to the Astra website ( and navigate to the pricing page.
    • Choose the plan that best fits your needs and purchase it. Astra Pro is available as part of the Astra Agency Bundle or can be purchased separately.
  2. Download Astra Pro Addon:
    • After purchasing, you’ll receive an email with download instructions or access to your account on the Astra website.
    • Log in to your Astra account and navigate to the “Downloads” section.
    • Find the Astra Pro Addon plugin in the list of downloads and click on the download button to save the plugin ZIP file to your computer.
  3. Install Astra Pro Addon:
    • Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
    • Go to “Plugins” -> “Add New.”
    • Click on the “Upload Plugin” button at the top of the page.
    • Choose the ZIP file you downloaded from the Astra website and click “Install Now.”
    • Once the plugin is installed, click “Activate” to activate it.
  4. Activate Astra Theme with Astra Pro Addon:
    • If you haven’t already, install and activate the free Astra theme from the WordPress repository.
    • After activating the Astra Pro Addon plugin, navigate to “Appearance” -> “Astra Options” in your WordPress dashboard.
    • You might be prompted to enter your license key for Astra Pro. If so, enter the license key you received after purchasing Astra Pro and click “Activate License.”
    • Once activated, you’ll have access to additional features and customization options provided by the Astra Pro Addon plugin.
  5. Configure Astra Pro Addon Settings:
    • After activating Astra Pro, you can explore its settings to customize your website further. These settings can usually be found under “Appearance” -> “Astra Options” or “Appearance” -> “Customize” in your WordPress dashboard.

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